October 30, 2007

We've done it. It's done. We can't UNdo it.

Thanks to your rabid fandom and dedicated viewing, Those Aren't Muskets! celebrated the arrival in the mail of their very first ad revenue check from Revver for a whopping 21 dollars and change. Thanks, guys! We decided what better way to reward our most loyal fans than to use the money to degrade ourselves and make a video for you? The results below.

Clearly, TAM! love their fans. Thanks a ton kiddies; here's hoping we can net thirty bucks in November and eat something even more awful.


  1. Dungeons and Dragons or as everyone I meet calls it "One of the Seven Lost Wayans Brothers' movies"

    An excellent choice to go with great many of the amalgamate food.

  2. I could really go for a burrito right now....

  3. I fucking love you guys. Seriously, if I ever get rich I am hiring you guys to live in my house, and I will supply you guys with money and food for no reason.

  4. Mike, can I call you Mike? How high were you guys in this video? brilliant

  5. I have actually watched this movie, which I realize is not terribly shocking, but I thought I should mention that for a true movie watching experience, you should really watch "Mazes and Monsters". Your eyeballs will stab themselves out of boredom.

  6. there stoned right? its not just me noticing this is it? seriously, i cant be the only one seeing the stonedness(almost sure thats not a word but should be) anyone else? anyone?

  7. I believe we would know much more about the universe and nature of human existence if we knew why the villain had purple lipstick in that movie.

  8. you guys are watching that on a ps2 aren't you? that makes it 10 times more awesome


2009 Those Aren't Muskets!