April 21, 2008


I'll be blunt with you: we've come into some good fortune vis a vis t-shirts. Which is to say, we have one. Or, rather, a voucher for one. Specifically, we are entitled to one (1) free busted tees shirt of our choice thanks to getting a video featured on College Humor.

And generous as we are, we thought why hog the cotton bounty when we can enrich the lives of our fans? Also, we already have two of the best shirt they offer (Pizza is the best). Naturally, we'll need something in return, which is why we've decided to announce the first ever MUSKETS ART CHALLENGE!

The rules are simple: send an image of a Muskets character, actor, or anything else TAM-related to our email inbox (thosearentmuskets@gmail.com) by the end of this week and on Monday we'll post the winner's pic and order whatever busted tee they want on their behalf. If no one enters, we reserve the right to extend the contest indefinitely and/or claim the shirt ourselves. And then weep into it.

Entries will be judged on craftsmanship, composition, originality, and irreverence. But remember...have fun with it!

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2009 Those Aren't Muskets!